
Music flows onto the paper – from your head, your intuition, your heart?


My work as a composer has captured my heart more and more in recent years. In addition to orders for image campaigns from regional and international companies, it has especially been commissioned pieces in the context of various artistic projects that have challenged me to access new acoustical spheres, to conceive sounds and to bring them to life.

These projects include the soundtrack for the film “Drawing Against Oblivion" – a documentary film which was awarded the Gold World Medal at the New York Festivals and which deals with the works of art created by Manfred Bockelmann in a project of the same name.
> To the trailer

Together with the painter and pianist, Manfred Bockelmann, “Acoustic Paintings” were also created – audible interpretations of the painter’s pictures by means of piano and saxophone.
> To the video
> Audio samples (

The film music for the documentary “Sammler der Augenblicke” (“Collector of Moments”) by Helga Suppan broadcast on 2 October 2011 by ORF dealing with the relationship of Manfred Bockelmann to his brother Udo Jürgens was created jointly with Roman Wohofsky (piano).

Another significant project in which I participated not only as a musician, but also a composer and producer, is the CD “Voices of God – Benedictines,” which was a commissioned work occasioned by the Europaausstellung 2009 (2009 Europe Exhibit) in St. Paul.
> To the video

The commissioned composition “The Making of Americans” dealing with Gertrude Stein was created at the request of the Musil Literature Museum.
> To an audio sample

A further work for the Musil Literature Museum in Klagenfurt was the composition “Eierlegen” (“Laying Eggs”) on the occasion of Wolfgang Walkensteiner’s tribute to Gert Jonke.

The documentary "Luftwurzler" by the ORF editor, Helga Suppan, was broadcast in the program Österreich-Bild on the holiday of 26 October in 2014. The music for the film was created in cooperation with Manfred Tischitz. I was also active as a composer for the films “Wie Pferd” (“Like a Horse”) and “Sammler der Augenblicke” (“Collector of Moments”).

I am asked time and again to provide the music for image films with my compositions.
Up to the present, my clients have included Acnatac, Buchhandlung Heyn, CTR, Dymista, Elidel, Ferienidyll Hotels, Final Frame, Hirter Bier, KAC, Kärnten Werbung, SPÖ Kärnten ("Kaiser von Kärnten", "Kärnten kann mehr"), and many more.

“You could virtually hear the creaking as you opened the doors of people’s hearts with your music.”

Silvia Thonhauser (educator)