- Urban.
- Sacred.
- Rural.
- Manfred Bockelmann.
- Hubert Dohr.

IL Canto Novosibirsk (Evgenia Alieva)
Eduard Kutrowatz (piano) Edgar Unterkirchner (sax)
recorded live just with a pocket recorder 2016
James Moore, Edgar Unterkirchner: "Be still" live
Liverecording of James E. Moore's "Be still" - James Moore, vocals and piano, Edgar Unterkirchner, altosaxophon
Magnificat: Benedictines
The CD "Voices of God - Benediktiner" with the Benedictines was a commissioned piece on the occasion of the Europaausstellung 2009 (2009 Europe Exhibit) in St. Paul.
Edgar Unterkirchner as producer, composer and musician.
You can also find a sample here.
Edgar Unterkirchner -Music of Hope

James Moore, Edgar Unterkirchner - "Be still" live

Benedictines: Magnificat

“...I listened with rapt attention and found I would have taken the same approach...”
Klaus Doldinger, composer and saxophonist
(Concerning the film score for “Drawing Against Oblivion”)
TwitterMister Wong